Laurie Potter
My mission is discipleship. From the earliest stages of my missionary career, I have sought to teach, mentor, and give a helping hand to others. Mature, experienced Christians gave of themselves to shape me as a young believer. Even now, I continue to grow from people investing in my life.
I want to see the same happen in Honduras. I want to be a part of the Great Commission mandate to “…go and make disciples of all nations…and teaching them to obey…” (Matthew 28:19–20 NIV). Just as others taught me the Scriptures and helped me work out what it meant in my life, I want to impact young lives with God’s Word. I want to prepare those who will disciple generations of believers in Honduras and beyond.
As assistant field director for WGM Honduras, I come alongside Honduran Holiness Church leadership and pastors, support fellow missionaries and their ministries, mentor new missionaries and volunteers, and disciple new believers while partnering with Honduran Holiness Church.
The Porters
Munga CUC
Last July, some people from a village came and asked Seth if he could move a generator to their village that someone gave them. It was brought out part of the way, but the truck just left the generator on the side of the main road. Seth went to check it out to see if he could carry it in one of his trucks. When he got to it, he found a huge 3-ton generator. Thankfully, Seth’s bigger truck would be able to haul it. But how to get the monster machine off the ground and into the back of the truck? After thinking it through, Seth built 2 gallows of sorts and used the winch on the other truck to lift if up into the back. Now that it was loaded, the real fun began– getting it to their village. Seth had to drive it a little ways on a decent road, then on a little bush “road” and then on a brand new dirt road they just made to their village. Seth wasn’t sure he would make it up this big hill (see picture) on their new road but after they put rock on it, he crawled right up and made it right to their village! The people welcomed him with cheers and the desire to see a church in their village. Nothing is wasted by our Lord– just helping with a need opened eyes to their need for HIM and a new church was born, the Munga Christian Union Church.
After delivering the generator, Seth went back several times and preached in the village center. Another time he went back and helped them build a temporary church structure with a tarp and posts made from young trees. In February, Seth cut down 7 trees for Munga CUC, which ended up being 40 logs that Seth’s guys ripped into lumber for building their permanent church building sometime in the future. Munga CUC is in the Embi district of the Christian Union Churches so they have taken it in as a church plant in their district and appointed Pastor Kolman as Munga CUC’s pastor. Seth continues to go visit and preach regularly.
Prayer Requests:
Pray for Pastor Kolman. This is his first church and he has not been to Bible College. Pray for wisdom as he leads and a heart and passion for the people of Munga.
Pray for Munga CUC’s congregation. Pray for them to grow and lives to be changed.

Getting the generator in the truck.