December 2024
There is a Christmas song that contains the line, “Although it’s been said many times, many ways, Merry Christmas to you.” As I get older I am beginning to think that I have said it just about every which way that it can be said. So as I sit trying to come up with yet another way to say Merry Christmas, it dawned on me that we don’t really have to come up with a new way to say it. We just have to keep on saying it and celebrating it.
YHWH came down from Heaven in the form of a baby boy named Jesus, born to a virgin named Mary who was pledged to marry a man named Joseph. This young couple were just minding their own business, preparing to start their lives together and something happened to them that we still talk about. How many people who lived 2000 years ago do we still talk about? We feel like we know them. We certainly know the baby who was born that night.
Jesus came into the world in the most ordinary way possible, the same way that we all came into the world. But His life was different. His calling was different. His purpose was different. The baby in the manger grew up and was eventually the guy on the cross. He went to the cross to lay His life down as the atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world. While His birth was ordinary, His death was not. His resurrection was most extraordinary, as he made a way for us to spend eternity with Him in the presence of YHWH.
Can you think of any better news? We don’t have to come up with new ways to say it. We need to live it and tell others about Him any and every chance that we get.
Merry Chirstmas,
Pastor Raymond